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Basic Data Structures

In this section I will take you through some common constructs like dynamic arrays, vectors, stacks and queues, seen through the lens of the stack and the heap from the previous section.

The Dynamic Array

The dynamic array is ubiquitous in C++ and Rust. It is quite often what we think about, when we think of arrays in those languages. C++ has vector<T> and Rust has Vec<T>. I highly recommend reading the first parts of the Rust Vec page. They are basically the same though and I will refer to them as vector from here on out. A dynamic array bundles up the behavior we saw earlier with pointers, allocations and deallocations, but adds the ability to automatically create a new array that is larger (usually by a factor of 2) than the old array and move the old values over to the new array. The vector has three values. How much memory is in its allocation, capacity, how much of the memory is currently in use, length, and a pointer to the data which lives on the heap. The vector itself can live on the stack and make sure to free the memory it points to once the vector is dropped from the stack. The vector supports quite a few operations, but the core ones are push, pop, array access [], reserve and shrink_to_fit.

Let's start off with how we allocate a vector in Rust.

let mut data: Vec<i32> = Vec::<i32>::new();

In this case we should get a completely empty vector. It will have a default capacity, because we didn't specify any capacity it should start with. Let's just say this capacity is 4. However, if we want to print the current size

let mut data: Vec<i32> = Vec::<i32>::new();
println("{}", data.len());

we would get an output of 0! We have a capacity of 4, but a size of 0. Meaning, we have 4 integers of 4 bytes each on the heap, but they are unitialized (containing garbage values), and we have not used any of them. If we however use push to add some actual data and then print

let mut data: Vec<i32> = Vec::<i32>::new();
println("{}", data.len());

we would print the number 2. Now we have live, initialized values on the heap at indices 0 and 1. We can print them by accessing the values directly.

let mut data: Vec<i32> = Vec::<i32>::new();
println("{}", data.len());
println("{}", data[0]);
println("{}", data[1]);

In this case we print 2, 0 and 1. Push finds the first unused index, which is conveniently indicated by the size value, increments size and puts the value into the designated index. If we pushed 5 values however, once we reached the 5th push, assuming the default capacity was 4, we would see the 5th push taking a lot of time compared to the other 4 pushes. In this case the vector would allocate a new memory segment on the heap with a size of 8, copy all of the values from elements 0-3 and then add the 5th value to the vector. Conversely, we can also use the pop function.

let mut data: Vec<i32> = Vec::<i32>::new();
println("{}", data.len());
println("{}", data[0]);

Now we end up printing the values 1 and 0. In theory, a dynamic array should move to a smaller array at some point. Such as, when at a quarter of the reserved capacity. But in practice, Rust doesn't move to a smaller array unless explicitly asked to do so using the ´´´shrink_to_fit´´´ function. In that case it will allocate and move to an array that is exactly the size of size, thus also making capacity the same. In practice, you should only do this for large arrays which are unlikely to see more elements added to it.

But, in the case of knowing how many elements we actually want to put in our vector, or at least an expcected minimum amount, we can just create the vector in a way where it has already reserved that amount of capcity. If you can at all do this, which requires you to at the very least estimate how much data you need at the time of creating the vector, it is one of the easiest ways to get better performance as you remove a whole bunch of allocations, deallocations and copying.

let mut data: Vec<i32> = Vec::with_capacity(5);

In this case, we have been unambigously up front about how many elements we will put in the vector. It was created with a capacity of 5 and a size of 0. We can also tell the vector to make sure we have a capacity of at least N. If it already has capacity to meet the minimum, nothing happens. If it doesn't it will allocate, copy and deallocate.

let mut data: Vec<i32> = Vec::<i32>::new();
let element_count: usize = 42;
for index in 0..element_count {
    data.push(index as i32);

There are more idiomatic ways to do this in Rust, which might also be faster, but you get the gist!

Enter the Matrix

But, we aren't just interested in single lists of numbers, sometimes, we would even like a matrix. In Rust we can have fixed size arrays defined like so:

let data: [i32; 2] = [0, 1];

If the sizes given to the array definition are constants, known at compile time, the array will be stack allocated. From what we have learned previously, the elements will be stored in memory in the order of 0 and 1. But what if we create a two-dimensional array?

let data: [[i32; 2]; 2] = 
                            [0, 1], 
                            [2, 3]

In Rust the elements will be ordered in memory 0, 1, 2, 3. But that is not a universal truth. This is called row-major ordering and is the standard layout in C, C++, Rust, Python and most modern languages. The alternative is column-major which is seen in Fortran and Matlab. In column-major ordering the elements would be ordered in memory as 0, 2, 1, 3. With row-major ordering the memory will be most tightly packed in the last dimension from the left. In Rust, which, again is row-major ordered, we can iterate through a 3 dimensional matrix in the same order as its memory with the following triple for-loop.

let data: [[[i32; 2]; 2]; 2] = 
                                [[1, 2], [3, 4]],
                                [[5, 6], [7, 8]]

let x_dimension: usize = 2;
let y_dimension: usize = 2;
let z_dimension: usize = 2;

for x_index in 0..x_dimension {
    for y_index in 0..y_dimension {
        for z_index in 0..z_dimension {
            println!("{}", data[x_index][y_index][z_index]);

Where as if Rust favored column-major ordering the in-memory-order traversal would be

let data: [[[i32; 2]; 2]; 2] = 
                                    [[1, 2], [3, 4]],
                                    [[5, 6], [7, 8]]

let x_dimension: usize = 2;
let y_dimension: usize = 2;
let z_dimension: usize = 2;

for z_index in 0..z_dimension {
    for y_index in 0..y_dimension {
        for x_index in 0..x_dimension {
            println!("{}", data[x_index][y_index][z_index]);

If you think back to stride and cache lines, traversing our 3-dimensional array like the above in the actual case, where Rust is row-major, would be like the stride access we looked at earlier. We could also do this with nested vectors.

let mut data: Vec<Vec<i32>> = Vec::<Vec<i32>>::new();
data.push(vec![0, 1]);
data.push(vec![2, 3]);

let x_dimension: usize = 2;
let y_dimension: usize = 2;

for x_index in 0..x_dimension {
    for y_index in 0..y_dimension {
        println!("{}", data[x_index][y_index]);

This is even worse though. We now have a 2-dimensional array, which is highly flexible, we can even have uneven dimensions, but we have to dereference two pointers for every access.

There is another way of doing this with a vector, which is the way I will be using multi-dimensional arrays in this module. It involves using a single dimensional vector as if it had more dimensions. This is also known as linearization.

let mut data: Vec<i32> = Vec::<i32>::new();
data.push(vec![0, 1, 2, 3]);

let column_count: usize = 2;
let row_count: usize = 2;

for x_index in 0..row_count {
    for y_index in 0..column_count {
        println!("{}", data[x_index * column_count + y_index]);

We just create a vector with as much room as we need and then access it with a bit of calculation. We've flattened our matrix and can now both have it dynamic and with arbitrary dimensions. We can even dynamically decide to see the matrix in a different way, for example by deciding to swap the number of columns and rows. The formula to access each element is to multiply the index by the dimensions that come after it multiplied and add it to the next index. For example with three dimensions x, y and z, the index would be calculated by

x_index * y_size * z_size + y_index * z_size + z_index

and for the two dimensions x and y, we would access the 2-dimensional matrix with

x_index * y_size + y_index

I really hope this makes sense. Once it clicks it is a very simple formula, if a bit wordy. Some libraries will work like this under the hood but wrap it in an interface for you to simply access it like it was a multi-dimensional array.

To wrap it up I have made a performance test of these approaches. The code doesn't match completely as we need bigger dimensions to get a good test. The code is at m1_memory_hierarchies::code::the_vector.

Implementing all of the methods described above in both row-major and column-major form, as well as an element-wise version, where we flatten the multidimensionality to save the administration of two of the for-loops, so we just get one for-loop running across a vector, we get the following numbers.


Access times for multidimensional arrays.

The functions named Multi-Array are stack allocated instead of heap, which is why they are that fast. I was however unable to run them for 64x64x64 and 128x128x128. Rust refused citing a stack overflow. Interestingly as well, the element-wise function can be quite fast as it saves two of the for-loops. So, if you can, use element-wise. Otherwise, the row-major single vector function seemed to work the best. How much is saved by not having the two extra for-loops depends on how much work you are actually doing in each iteration. In this benchmark we do pretty much nothing.

Move, Copy, Clone, Soldier, Spy

Now that we have examined how we can deal with a more expensive type, compared to the simpler integer or float, let's expand the scope a little bit. How do we actually move around these vectors as data? In each language there are some implicit rules, which can have wide reaching ramifications, both in terms of correctness and performance.

In Python, variables are all references to an underlying object, which is freed when there are no longer any references to said object. Don't worry about it too much, it's a concept I will introduce further down the page. But, it does have consequences when this happens

x = [5, 5, 3, 42]
y = x

There aren't actually two lists, but two references to a list which has some data on the heap. This can be a bit problematic, as you now have two variables, which can both write to the same list without the other knowing. Once both x and y go out of scope, the list on the heap will be deallocated (eventually). This happens because Python keeps count of how many live references there currently are to the data element. Once x goes out of scope, that counter is decremented. Same goes for y. Whichever one decrements the counter to 0 will trigger a cleanup.

In C and C++, the following actually results in two different lists on the heap, kept by two different variables. C++ is copy by default, and this is a deep copy.

vector<int> x{5, 5, 3, 42};
vector<int> y = x;

Which is what Rust would call a clone. Rust however, is move by default.

let x: Vec<i32> = Vec::from([5, 5, 3, 42]);
let y: Vec<i32> = x;

Once the values in x, the capacity, size and the pointer to the memory on the heap, have been moved from x into y, x is no longer accessible. The Rust compiler will complain. We can however, move it right back.

let mut x: Vec<i32> = Vec::from([5, 5, 3, 42]);
let y: Vec<i32> = x;
x = y;

Now, y is inaccessible at the end. We could also create a scope, after which y is dropped, but the ownership is not moved back to x.

let x: Vec<i32> = Vec::from([5, 5, 3, 42]);
    let y: Vec<i32> = x;

Unless we move the values back ourselves.

let mut x: Vec<i32> = Vec::from([5, 5, 3, 42]);
    let y: Vec<i32> = x;

    x = y

To actually create two lists, like we did in the C++ example, we have to explicitly ask for a deep copy. A clone in Rust terminology.

let x: Vec<i32> = Vec::from([5, 5, 3, 42]);
let y: Vec<i32> = x.clone();

Usually, in Rust at least, adding lots of clones everywhere is an easy way to get around the borrow checker and have everything be correct. But once your first prototype is finished, one of the easiest improvements to your performance will be to search for all instances of .clone() and see whether there is some other solution that might work better. Rust isn't fighting you in this case, even if it can be strict, it is trying to protect you from having multiple write-enabled references to the same data, as in the Python example, which could make for incorrect code. While performance is great, in most cases, it should not come before correctness. C++ does have these move operations as well, it is even highly recommended a lot of the time. It is however, not the default behavior of the language.

Rust has something called traits (don't worry about it). One of these traits is the Copy trait. If a type implements the Copy trait, it will be copied rather than moved when assigned to a new value or passed as an argument to a function. It is sort of like an implicit version of .clone(), except in the case of deeper structures, such as Vec<T>, in that case, it would copy all of the stack values, capacity, size and the pointer to the memory on the heap.

But hold on a minute! That is illegal! We would have two pointers with full write rights. Which is illegal in Rust! Which is also why Vec<T> doesn't actually implement Copy and this has all been a ruse, for your edification.


Now let's look at the stack, not that one, the other stack. The fundamental data structure. It isn't an array, but most implementations are just an array used in a restricted fashion. A stack is what is called a Last In, First Out (LIFO) data structure. The usual example is, imagine a stack of cantina trays. If you put a tray into the stack, in order to get a tray, you have to take the top tray, you can't remove a tray that is below the top tray. At least not without picking up the top tray, taking the now top tray and putting back the former top tray, which now becomes the top tray again. Top tray.


Pushing a value on to the stack. The states are from before the push.

If we implement this using a vector, we need at least the following 3 functions - push, pop and peek. push you might already know as the default mechanism for adding an individual element to a vector. The element to push is inserted at index size and size is incremented. With a pop, the element at index size - 1 is returned and size is decremented. With a call to peek, either a copy or a reference to the element at size - 1 is returned. Most, if not all functions are already implemented on the vector types, but if we want to maintain the invariant that all of the elements from indices 0 to size - 1 are all valid, you need to make sure that only the stack related functions are called. In that way, if you need a stack, you should use not just a vector type, but a stack type, which might just be a wrapper around a vector, but also restricts anyone using that type to maintain the invariants needed for a valid stack. Sending a Stack<T> from function to function, instead of a Vec<T>, will also communicate how the value is supposed to be used.


Popping a value from the top (end) of the stack. The states are from before the pop, and were the result of the previous push.

Stacks scale well and all operations would be constant time, except when enough values have been pushed to necessitate a resize. However, the cost of this is low enough that across all of the operations it averages out and becomes what is known as amortized constant time. Amortized constant time is a concept found in the big O notation system.


Queues, just like stacks, are a fundamental data type centered around constant time operations mostly implemented on top of dynamic arrays. Queues maintain a First In, First Out (FIFO) principle, just like queues of people. The first person to enter a queue, should be the first person to leave it. Now we no longer have pop and push, but enqueue and dequeue. Enqueueing is basically the same as push on a stack. An element is added to the index at size, except, the queue needs two new variables, front and back. Once the back index extends beyond the size or capacity, it can just wrap back around and starting again from 0, as long as it does not become equal to the front value. If it does so and capacity < back - front, it can resize itself and adjust.


Enqueueing a value from to the back of the queue. The states are from before the enqueue.

Resizing is just one way to handle the overlap. In quite a few real-time systems, we don't want the system to be overwhelmable. If data comes in too fast to process, and it keeps coming in faster than we can process, we might instead say that the front will move with the back if they become equal, thus letting the older data be overwritten. Other options could be to have whatever is trying to submit an element, wait until a spot opens up in the queue or the element could be "added", but not actually added to the queue, essentially dropping the given element into the void. You'd of course like to be certain of how your queue type would handle being full. It's a central property and you should make sure if you are constructing systems with lots of data that you use a queue with the right behavior for your system.


Dequeueing a value from to the front of the queue. The states are from before the dequeue.

Just like the stack, your local vector type probably has the functionality, but if you use it as a queue, you should probably just use a queue type, restricting any usage to maintain and communicate that it's a queue.

Additional Reading

For more on implementing a heap with an array, priority queues, binary trees, binary trees using arrays in Python. These pages have implementation details in C/C++/Python.