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Data Parallelism

Now let's get into working with parallelism, I won't start from basic to advanced, but from easiest to most difficult to use. The absolute easiest to use, in Rust at least, is data parallelism through iterators. This sequence of methods, culminating in m2::s3, will show you how formulating your problem as an iterator with no interdependence between the iterations can give you a nice CPU-based parallel speedup by changing a term or two.

Data parallelism partitions the data into segments for each thread. The way we are going to look at it in Rust is very simple as it is a trivial extension of the idiomatic way of writing Rust. As in so trivial you need to import a library and prefix your iterator with par_. The library will take care of the rest for you. However, as we'll see later, this isn't necessarily the fastest, but if we think about the amount of parallelism available in our system and the nature of our data, we can do something very very simple and easy to make data parallelism the fastest of the easy methods of parallelism. Using data parallelism requires that either there is no overlap between your data elements, or that you make your input read-only and each thread can output to its own segment of an output collection.

The next sections will be heavily inspired by the book "Programming Rust"'s multiple implementations of Mandelbrot image generation. If you don't know about the Mandelbrot image, you can see what that's all about here! Ok, so I will start off talking about the parallel part of things. First off, lets look at Rayon, which I find to be the easiest way of doing parallelism in Rust.

To use Rayon, we just have to formulate our computations as iterators. Under the hood, Rayon divvies up the work into chunks and distributes it to a fitting amount of threads. It also does something called work stealing where if one thread is done with its work sooner it gets work from one of the other threads. This is really good for very uneven workloads like generating Mandelbrot images or path tracing. Again, this is the easiest way of doing parallelism in Rust, both because it is such a small change from idiomatic Rust (using iterators) and the cognitive load, if there is no communication between threads, is so very small.

A Parallel Iterator Benchmark

You can find the code for this section in m2_concurrency::code::data_parallelism.

First we define our data, how many elements we want, and how many iterations we will iterate through the data to do our benchmarks.

    let element_count: usize = 10_000_000;
    let iteration_count: usize = 100;

    let mut data: Vec<f32> = (0..element_count).into_iter().map(|x| x as f32).collect();

Now let's see what a non-iterator mapping of all the elements would look like.

    for _ in 0..iteration_count {
        for element in &mut data {
            *element = *element * 3.14;

A key difference with this approach compared to the other two is that we are ensured this mapping happens in-place. The iterator version is here -

    for _ in 0..iteration_count {
        data = data.iter().map(|x| *x * 3.14).collect();

Once we have done this reformulation, Rayon is made to be a drop in replacement. We just import the needed Rayon prelude and replace .iter() with .par_iter() or .into_iter() with .into_par_iter().

    for _ in 0..iteration_count {
        data = data.par_iter().map(|x| *x * 3.14).collect();

Finally, for reasons I will explain in a little bit, there is a variant of all three where they instead of a multiplication call this function -

fn map_function(x: f32) -> f32 {
    let mut x: f32 = x * x * x * x + x * x + x * x / x + x;

    for _ in 0..62 {
        x = x * 2.0 + 4.0 + 12.0 / 59.0;


Now let's run the benchmark.


First a simple mapping operation, and then a slightly more complex map function. This benchmark was run on my laptop boasting an Intel i7-1185G7, 3.0 GHz with 32GB of RAM. The operating system was Windows 10. The L1/L2/L3 caches were 320 KB, 5 MB and 12 MB respectively.

Ok, so what actually happened here? For the first three lines, we have an extremely small workload per element. We are very likely just limited by memory bandwidth. The simplest implementation seems to win out. Rayon needs to make sure it has the amount of threads ready and to distribute the work. Think of it like adding a for-loop. It's extra administration. Much like real life, simple processes and tasks rarely need complex administration. But once we add a more complex workload the simple for-loop and the iterator seem to converge to the same performance, whereas the .par_iter() from Rayon begins to win out. If we gave each element an even heavier workload, it is likely that the performance gain from Rayon would increase. Personally, I have used Rayon to parallelize a path tracer, starting with a range of all the pixels and then having Rayon distribute the workload of path tracing every pixel. In that case we have a VERY complex workload and I saw an almost linear scaling compared to the amount of threads available. I wouldn't recommend it, but if you want to see a larger system you can check it out here. The parallelization can be found in render_pixel() and render().

So, now that we can conclude that Rayon can be really good and easy to use for some things, let's move on to more explicitly define our own parallel system with, perhaps, longer running threads.

Examples with Rayon

You can find the code for this section in m2_concurrency::code::data_parallelism.

Ok, so I made two additional examples. There's lots of different adaptors for iterators and I'll just show two. .filter() and .window(). If you go back to the file from earlier and change the bool in the main function to true, it should now run these two benchmarks. First off let's look at the filter benchmark. Filter is like map, except it will only emit elements which result in a true evaluation inside the closure. First we generate a vector of random floats with values between 0.0 and 0.1. Then we filter on them using the following lines -

    sums += data.iter().filter(|x| if 0.5 < **x { true } else { false }).count();

If the random number generator used to generate the floats in data is completely uniform, every time we use this filter, the filter should emit half the elements. Then we just count the amount of elements emitted. The parallel version is very similar -

    sums += data.par_iter().filter(|x| if 0.5 < **x { true } else { false }).count();

If we run this benchmark we get the following -


Counting all floats greater than 0.5. This benchmark was run on my laptop boasting an Intel i7-1185G7, 3.0 GHz with 32GB of RAM. The operating system was Windows 10. The L1/L2/L3 caches were 320 KB, 5 MB and 12 MB respectively.

As you can see, once again, with a limited amount of work, parallelism isn't necessarily the answer to everything. Emitting a new list of elements also requires allocation of more data, which rarely helps multithreaded performance.

Next up, I will run a small program to perform convolution. We generate a data vector of random floats. Then we have a number of filters of different sizes, to show the effect of a greater sized filter. To convolve, with a filter of size N, for this example let's say N = 3, for the first output element, we take data element 0, multiply it by filter element 0 and add it to a sum. Then data element 1 times filter element 1, add it to the sum. Data element 2 multiplied by filter element 2. Add it to the sum and then emit/store the output element. Then we move on and do the same for data element 1 times filter element 0 plus data element 2 times filter element 1 and so on. In Rust, it can look like this -

    // Convolution
    let element_count: usize = 1920*1080;
    let iteration_count: usize = 1000;
    let filter_sizes: Vec<usize> = vec![3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15];

    println!("Running convolution benchmark for {} elements with {} iterations!", element_count, iteration_count);
    println!("Filter sizes are: {:?}", filter_sizes);
    let mut rng: ThreadRng = rand::thread_rng();
    let data: Vec<f32> = (0..element_count).map(|_| rng.gen_range(0.0..1.0)).collect();
    let mut filters: Vec<Vec<f32>> = Vec::<Vec<f32>>::new();
    for size in &filter_sizes {
        let filter: Vec<f32> = (0..*size).map(|_| rng.gen_range(-1.0..1.0)).collect();
    // Remove mutability to be safe.
    let filters: Vec<Vec<f32>> = filters;

Note that you are completely free to just change around the first three values. You can also try running different filter sizes. Now that we have created our 7 filters we will apply them -

    for _ in 0..iteration_count {
        let filtered: Vec<f32> =*size).map(|x| {
            x.iter().zip(filter).map(|(element, filter)| *element * *filter).sum()
        } ).collect();

or in the parallel version -

    for _ in 0..iteration_count {
        let filtered: Vec<f32> = data.par_windows(*size).map(|x| {
            x.iter().zip(filter).map(|(element, filter)| *element * *filter).sum()
        } ).collect();

Note that instead of the .iter() adaptor that we would normally use to get an iterator to a single element at a time, we now use .windows(), which takes an argument. This argument is the size of the window. If we for example give it the size 3 it will return elements 0, 1 and 2 for the first iteration, then elements 1, 2 and 3 for the second iteration. This isn't available in a .windows_mut() like .iter_mut(). Why do you think that is?


This would result in multiple threads having write access to the same data. Which in computer science circles is considered a big no-no.


Random convolution on random data. This benchmark was run on my laptop boasting an Intel i7-1185G7, 3.0 GHz with 32GB of RAM. The operating system was Windows 10. The L1/L2/L3 caches were 320 KB, 5 MB and 12 MB respectively.

In this case, with the greater computational complexity, Rayon easily takes the lead. We do however, still allocate space for a result. If we preallocated an output vector, we might get an even greater performance difference.