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Now let's look at how you can explicitly define a thread and give it some work to do. This can be very good for workloads which are long running and with each thread's data being largely independent.

This section is somewhat based on The Book. In the last section we looked at what a parallelization library like Rayon can do. Under the hood, it does quite a lot of stuff. It subdivides a collection, in the examples I showed you, these collections were all Vec<T>, and it then allocates these chunks of the collection to some threads it gets from somewhere. This allows us to create small pockets of parallelism, or if your formulate it slightly differently, even quite long running programs.

But what if we wanted to control threads explicitly? Each thread might do something completely differently, and not just run the same program on subdivisions of the same data. The threads might do something long running, only act in reaction to an event or some data being sent, in that case, Rayon might get a bit confusing, and we don't necessarily want the thread to terminate until the very end of our program.

What is a Thread

While a process has it's own virtual memory space and is quite heavyweight, processes can't see each others data very well. A thread is not that. A thread is an execution unit. If your program is launched as a process (heavy), it has a thread, let's call it the main thread. That thread can then launch other threads which are contained within the process. Threads can each act independently, but aren't the same thing as the amount of cores in your CPU. More physical cores on the other hand, do allow you to run multiple threads in parallel, where as a single physical core can only run multiple threads concurrently.

I really hope that makes sense. You should probably read it again...

Lots of threads are running on your computer at any time. At the time of writing, I can open up Task Manager in Windows 10 and click the Performance tab to see that I have a whopping 4693 threads and 303 processes running. The number keeps changing, it just won't stand still. I certainly don't have 4693 cores in my laptop. It is actually 4 cores with 8 logical processors, so if I were to partition my program into N number of threads, I would probably default to suggest the program to use 8 threads, maybe more.

These threads can execute, wait for a bit, be swapped in and out for other threads. In our programs we can both have long running threads, which might even be alive for the entire duration of our program, or we can launch threads whenever we have some additional work to be done. Asking the operating system for more threads is a costly affair however, think back to memory allocation, any time we ask the operating system for anything it is going to be expensive. The remedy to this, much like bigger programs keeping memory around to not have it be deallocated, is to either make a thread pool yourself, or for the library/framework/whatever-you-are-using to maintain a thread pool. A thread pool is some data structure which keeps a bunch of threads around, keeping them from either running free or returning to the operating system, to quickly wake them up and give them some work to do, before they can be returned to the thread pool again.

Launching a Thread

For this section I have a project ready in m2_concurrency::code::threads.

Go to the basic_threading function. In it we launch some threads using the standard libraries thread::spawn() and give it a closure to execute. Each thread, including the main thread will print their name in a loop, waiting for a bit after each print. I get the following output -


Naively launching 8 threads along with a main thead and printing three times. This benchmark was run on my laptop boasting an Intel i7-1185G7, 3.0 GHz with 32GB of RAM. The operating system was Windows 10. The L1/L2/L3 caches were 320 KB, 5 MB and 12 MB respectively.

This is all over the place. Two things to note - the main thread, despite not printing until it has spawned all of the other threads, prints before some of them. Also, we don't have a handle to any of the threads after spawning them. Thus we don't have any means of synchronized execution or anything like that. The threads might still be alive when the main thread is done executing.

Joining, Wishing, Waiting

Another thing we could do, is to hold on to each thread handle. That would allow us to make sure that all threads were done before exiting. Go to the function basic_threading_with_termination and see how that can be done.


Launching 8 threads along with a main thead and printing three times. We keep track of the handles and wait for execution to finish. This benchmark was run on my laptop boasting an Intel i7-1185G7, 3.0 GHz with 32GB of RAM. The operating system was Windows 10. The L1/L2/L3 caches were 320 KB, 5 MB and 12 MB respectively.

So we keep the handles for the spawned threads, but at the end we do somethin called .join() on each handle. It is one of the simplest synchronization primitives. We just wait for the specific thread we are joining on to finish executing the function it was given. This is a blocking call, so if that thread has gotten into trouble, say, an infinite while-loop, we will be waiting on that thread indefinitely. But, we launched it with a very simple task, so we know we won't be waiting for too long. This is in a way, a manual barrier, except where with a barrier we could have multiple barriers in a threads program, we strictly wait for that thread to execute the given code in its entirety. Once it is finished it either rejoins the thread pool or its execution path joins the main threads execution path.

Now, try and answer the following - why do we do the .join() calls in that order, and why is the program correct despite the threads being done with their small programs in random order?

Next, go to the function basic_threading_with_scope. In this function I use the library crossbeam. It is one of the defacto standard libraries for parallelism in Rust. To launch the threads I use crossbeam's spawner, which lets it keep track of the threads for us. I then proceeed to use a scope. It is just like the scope we normally have in Rust, but for executing threads until the end. This is equivalent to the loop of .join()s we just had.


Launching 8 threads along with a main thead and printing three times. We use the ```crossbeam::scope``` to enclose the lifetime of the threads. This benchmark was run on my laptop boasting an Intel i7-1185G7, 3.0 GHz with 32GB of RAM. The operating system was Windows 10. The L1/L2/L3 caches were 320 KB, 5 MB and 12 MB respectively.

Note the scope ends before the main thread starts printing. Using a scope is a more automatic way of keeping track of the lifetimes of our threads.

Ok, so now we know a few ways we can launch some threads and wait until they are done executing, in later sections I will get into ways you can share data between threads and synchronize.

Crossbeam Instead of Rayon

For this section I have a project ready in m2_concurrency::code::parallelism.

Once again, just like in the data_parallelism section, we are looking at a homogenous workload in two different versions, a VERY simple version that just doubles all numbers in a vector and one that does something slightly more complicated, but it is still very homogenous. Later on you will be asked to look at the presented techniques in a more heterogeneous context where stuff like work stealing has a much bigger effect.

We will be looking at what happens if we know more about the problem than our library. We can both help Rayon along to become faster, and use facilities from crossbeam to improve our performance.

So what is it we are doing?

We are just going to split the workload ourselves. parallelism() contains 2 sections with a number of benchmarks each. Each benchmark of the different approaches is hidden behind a flag in main(). The data is split into chunks, that is, a vector of reference slices of size chunk_size. The last chunk will not have the same size as the others. The first section is the double function and the second section is the slightly more complex functions. Once again, the workloads are completely homogenous. It should take the same amount of time to execute any randomly chosen segment of size N, except the last one. The first benchmark is completely vanilla single threaded execution. The second benchmark is using Rayon to parallelize the execution of chunks. The third benchmark is using Rayon to parallelize execution of the original dataset, with no chunks. This is the default way we would use Rayon. Finally, the fourth benchmark uses crossbeam::scope() to launch thread_count jobs with low administrative overhead. To enable these bencharks, set the following flags to true in main() - single_thread, rayon and crossbeam_scope.

Let's look at the results -


Launching as many threads as chunks using ```crossbeam::scope``` to enclose the lifetime of the threads. This is clearly not the way to go, but as the workload becomes bigger, the performance of launching that many threads becomes slightly better. This benchmark was run on my laptop boasting an Intel i7-1185G7, 3.0 GHz with 32GB of RAM. The operating system was Windows 10. The L1/L2/L3 caches were 320 KB, 5 MB and 12 MB respectively.

As you can see, once we chunk our data, leaving Rayon with less administration and scheduling work for its work stealing paradigm, it actually gets quite good performance compared to crossbeam.

I did not see that coming!

In the next sections I will look at other ways of executing these workloads with crossbeam. They just require an introduction to mutexes and atomics first.

Finally, try playing around with the amount of chunks, the amount of test iterations and the size of the dataset. I have a firm suspicion that Rayon does better with more iterations as it probably has a thread pool running in the back which will be kept alive across iterations or that Rayon, where we do not specify a number of threads is more free to optimize however it wants.