If a lock, such as a mutex, is a horse, an atomic is a pony. Except, it's like a pony that's much faster than a horse. I'm not sure that metaphore worked... The smaller a region serialized through synchronization, the more potential concurrency we can have and the less likely things will go wrong. So what is an atomic?
Atomic operations are a special kind of very small lock. Atomics are specific to certain data types and certain operations because there is often hardware support for them. Now, whenever you see the term "hardware support" you should think ⚡ SPEED ⚡. This means that you can work quite fast using atomics, not as fast as not having any synchronization, but relative to the more cumbersome mutex, it is quite fast. You can even use atomics in GPU programming. One tricky thing can be if your language supports atomics, but your hardware doesn't. In that case the atomic operation will be emulated in software which will make your code slower.
First off, let's look at the concept of memory ordering. Afterwards I'll describe a few different atomic functions you can use, and then finally look at what atomics are like in WGSL.
Anyways, memory ordering.
Various hardware platforms have different types of support for atomics. If we for example had a counter stored in a variable, it could for be used to sum an array, we could make sure that the sum was correct while still being manipulated and accessed in a multithreaded setting by placing the counter inside an atomic. The nature of how the counter is incremented is then dictated by the memory ordering.
The function that we use for incrementing this summation counter can be called with different orderings. We'll look at three different types, sequentially consistent, acquire-release and relaxed. With sequentially consistent ordering, we can have certain guarantees in terms of which thread is getting to read and write to the atomic variable in which order. This is likely to be the most expensive ordering, but also likely to be the most consistent.
Acquire-release is a paired ordering. It is especially good for implementing locks with atomics. If you used a bool or an integer (you could store which number thread currently holds the lock), inside an atomic you could implement a lock for a critical section which could be acquired and released. Having this implemented with atomics should ensure that there can only ever be one thread holding the lock.
Relaxed ordering is the cheapest and has no guarantees about ordering. It is especially good for the case of summation. We don't care about which order was used to sum an array of numbers, just get it done. It is the easiest to comprehend, and to begin with I would recommend that you only use atomics in a situation where a relaxed ordering is good enough. Otherwise we get into mutex levels of complexity and you're gonna have a bad time.
In terms of types you will be limited to integers and bools. Which types are available in Rust
can be found here. Go to the page for AtomicU32
and see which functions are available.
There's some load, store and swap operations, followed by some compare/exchange operations and then
a bunch of fetch and something operations. Try and read through them. In practice you would share
the atomic variable between threads by wrapping it with an Arc<Atomic...>
and cloning the Arc
WGSL, the language used to make GPU programs in this guide, only supports atomic<T>
where T
is either i32
or u32
. All atomic functions have relaxed
memory ordering. It's really
good for things like reduction operations. Once each work group has a local result computed, they can
compare results, or add, across work groups through a global atomic variable. You can check out which
functions are available, which is a bit more limited compared to what was available in Rust, here.
Lock Free Algorithms
Lock free algorithms are a type of algorithms where there is a minimal amount of synchronization. Think of it as atomic, yes!, mutex/lock, no!, atomic lock, no! This requires a fair amount of thought, but a very simple version could for example to implement a queue of chunks this way. If we have an iterator or an index pointing to an array of data chunks, we can use an atomic operation to increment the index or the iterator and get the former piece of data. This is lock-free. There might some waiting time if 8 threads are all trying to get more data to crunch at the same time, but no locks have to be acquired. But this way of using atomics to acquire a new piece of data from an array is made possible with all these functions which don't just swap, compare or fetch, but also do one more thing. We can increment and fetch to get our new data chunk!
Crossbeam and Atomics
Back to the storyline! Once again, go to m2_concurrency::code::parallelism.
Set the crossbeam_atomic_chunks
flag to true.
So, I pulled in the atomic_chunks_mut
crate from the mandelbrot example you will see later.
It is a chunks iterator which uses atomics to increment an index. This allows each thread, whenever
asking for a new chunk to increment the current index and get the last index value. This is now
that threads data chunk. Thus we do almost the same as the one with mutex, but with an atomic
and an index.
As you can see, the crossbeam scope
section still performs terribly since we are launching 257 threads with
a chunk of data each. And while we can get good performance from the atomic chunks, the lower synchronization cost
doesn't make much of a difference with the bigger chunk size. For my money, I would say that the best return on
investment for your time, is probably experimenting with running either a fine-grained or a coarse-grained
Rayon accelerated iterator. The performance is closer to self-tuning and you have less of a headache worrying
about synchronization and ownership. You should of course always benchmark and use your own reasoning as to when
you need to optimize this.
But hold on a minute - I added some values. I separated the element counts into two different values to get the
run time up for the simpler double function. When benchmarking, the rule of thumb is you should be running your
benchmark for around 2 seconds. This allowed me to up the amount of elements for the double function, but decrease
the number of elements for the more complex map function. I also added two more variables. complexity
dictates how many times the loop in the map function will run and escape_probability
which is a new feature.
Now, whenever escape_probability
is greater than 0.0, for every iteration of the loop, a random number will
be generated. If that number is less than escape_probability
the loop will be broken out of. This to allow
you to make the work load less uniform and more like generating a mandelbrot image or rendering an image with
path tracing. If we weren't chunking the data and exclusively running fine-grained parallelism this should
give a larger advantage to the work stealing techniques (Rayon).
Now try and spend some time playing around with the variables in main()
Especially stuff like chunk size, escape probability and complexity. In which cases do which techniques get
better or worse? Try and think about the types of workloads that are the most relevant to you and to reason
about the differences in performance.
Additional Reading
If you would like to learn more about atomics I can recommend you read about atomics and reordering in the Rustonomicon or in the the atomics chapter in Jon Gjengset's book Rust for Rustaceans which is even better.