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So we just did some preliminary timing of your program. It would have taken even less time to just look at your systems performance monitor, although that would only allow you to guess about what was taking most of the processing time. Once you have tried both timing your code, and you've gotten what you could out of the system performance monitor, it might be time to install and use a profiler.

If you are profiling Rust, make sure you leave in the debug symbols when compiling. Otherwise the profiler won't be able to tell you which function is which.

System Monitors

Let's start off looking at your system monitor to see where something might be obviously wrong. I will be using Task Manager on Windows to exemplify where you might look for the various bottlenecks. The quickest way to check is following the memory hierarchy. Disk, memory, CPU and then optionally GPU. If your disk is maxed out, then a good idea for your next optimization might be to focus on disk utilization.


In the disk tab we can see the name of the disk, its maximum read and write speeds, usually read will be faster than write. You can also see whether you are mostly using read or write bandwidth.


The Disk tab of Task Manager.

This is where you want to start, but disk can suffer some spillover from memory. If you have used all of your memory, the operating system will use swapping. If you had say, 16 GB of memory, and you are full up, but try to allocate more memory in your progran, the operating system can either throw a "out of memory" error or it can make use of the disk to supplement the memory. It will write some of the data currently residing in memory to a swap file and write it to disk. It is possible to configure how big a swap file the operating system will create at most, but in any case, if your system has to use a swap file, your program is going to be slow. So either put in more RAM or optimize your program to use less memory.


In the memory tab, we can see how much physical memory is present and how much is currently being used. Interestingly, we can also see what the frequency of the memory is. It's named "Speed" in Task Manager.


The Memory tab of Task Manager.

Other than that, you mainly need to worry about one thing. If one of the numbers on the page is greater than the physical amount of memory you have, you are probably swapping to disk. If the memory usage is also constantly rising, you should probably think carefully about whether you might have a memory leak, or you are allocating when you weren't intending to.


In the upper corner we can easily checkout which model of CPU we have, going to the bottom we can see the size of our caches, the base clock frequency of cores and how many cores are available in our CPU. We can see how many processes and threads are running. When you see processes think apps. There can be multiple threads running for each process. We won't get an exact indication of how well we are using each core in this configuration, but if we at no point see utilization above 50%, then we probably aren't using all cores to the fullest.


The CPU tab of Task Manager.

But, I do have to remind you of one thing. High utilization is not the same as well performing code. You can very easily max out the utilization of all cores on your system, but sometimes, optimizing your code will result in less utilization, as doing less is often a good strategy. An indicator that the program dominating resource usage is single threaded, or at least not very well parallelized will be if you have a fairly constant use of 1/N, N being the amount of cores. So, if we have a system with 4 cores, and no hyperthreading, an almost constant usage of 25%, with a few spikes here and there, we have very poor parallelization of our CPU code. To get a more detailed per core view, you can click the resource monitor button in the bottom left.


If we are using the GPU in our application, we can also go to the GPU tab. Once again, in the upper right we can see which GPU we are using. In the bottom, we can see the driver version. DirectX version refers to the version of DirectX (Windows graphics and compute API) that the system supports. The laptop I used to take the screenshot with has what is called an integrated GPU. It shares its memory with the CPU. But in this case, the entire system has 32 GB of memory, 16 of which is shared by the GPU. While this may result in higher transfer rates to the GPU, the bandwidth internally (when you access memory in a buffer you have already transferred) is usually less than a dedicated GPU.


The GPU tab of Task Manager.

In this configuration, we have 4 windows for utilization monitoring. We can actually click on the titles of the windows to choose what to show. The one called 3D will show utilization, both for graphics and pure compute workloads. Copy is our transfer utilization. On dedicated cards there will often be dedicated sections for CPU-GPU transfers and for GPU-CPU transfers. Video decode also has dedicated hardware and is typically something you might see used during streaming video, such as watch videos streamed from the internet. Or video processing if you need to encode and compress video directly from your GPU.

Choosing a Profiler

If your own system's performance monitor was not detailed enough, you can make use of dedicated profilers. Profilers can be hard to install and something that depends on your use case. Below is a non-exhaustive list of profilers you can try out.

Profiling on Windows is a bad experience if you are outside Visual Studio. You can try using Linux tools like perf through WSL2 on Windows. How to profile your specific GPU on Windows through WSL2, I am not quite sure. You might just be able to profile outside of WSL2 using the GPU profiler provided by the GPU vendor (AMD, Nvidia, Intel).

How to work with Profilers

So what happens when you finally have a working profiler?

One view you can go for is the sorted hot spot list. A lot of profilers will measure a list of the functions taking the most significant part of the execution time. Sometimes, it will by default be a cumulative list, resulting in the main function being on top and you having to explore down the list to find likely candidate functions for optimization. It can be a good idea to find where to turn this off to just show which functions individually are using the most time. You might have to switch between the two views. Sometimes you can also get the profiler to show the hot spots of individual lines of code, which will be highlighted both by color and a nifty percentage.

If use a GPU profiler instead, you can get views like your occupancy and speed relative to the theoretical peak usage and what your memory and compute utilization is. In profiling, at least pure compute workloads, not necessarily graphics, you need to keep track of two core metrics. Compute and memory utilization. If the memory utilization is high, but the compute utilization is low, the program is memory bound. You can mitigate this by optimizing the way you work with memory. You could do less memory accesses, make increased use of shared memory or registers, or even do warp shuffling. If you are compute bound, because the compute utilization is high, but the memory utilization is low, you might need to work on the actual algorithm you are using or the mathematical functions you are using. If you are dividing in a loop, you can perhaps multiply by the inverse (division is expensive), if you don't mind the possible precision loss. You can also exchange full precision math functions such as cosf(x) for an intrinsic (hardware supported) version which might only be in 24-bit precision, such as __cosf(x). Now remember, hardware supported, is a hint that it will likely be faster.


A view in the Nsight Compute profiler showing whether the application is memory or compute bound. Image credit

If you optimize away your compute bound application, you might end up being memory bound, and then compute bound, and so on and so on, until the memory and compute are hopefully balanced, both with a high utilization. Or low if your workload ends up not actually being that big.

Another interesting view in the Nsight Compute profiler is the one below.


A view in the Nsight Compute profiler showing the "heat" in various parts of the memory hierarchy. Image credit

Here we are shown the utilization of different parts of the memory hierarchy. If you don't see the obvious way to get out of being compute bound, this, more visual, way of communicating profile statistics is a great way to see what you aren't using.

I will leave you with this - at a celebration I was fortunate to sit next to the rendering lead of the renowned game company Playdead Games, Mikkel GjΓΈl. His go-to profiling advice was "Always go straight for the L2 cache hits and misses". I don't embroider, but if I did... I would embroider that on a pillow.